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Portland Five Element Acupuncture & Wellness Blog

Image of a woman receiving acupuncture on her back as a treatment for chronic back pain.

Acupuncture for Menopause: Easing a Natural Transition

Balancing Body and Mind with Acupuncture for Menopause Menopause, the permanent end of menstruation, is a natural transition that all women experience as the body ages.  For many women, menopause is a time of renewed creativity and expanded personal identity.  But, the changes comes with some discomfort.  About 70% of women experience uncomfortable symptoms during the years leading up to

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Zero Balancing for musicians
Energy Healing

Zero Balancing for Musicians: the Energetics of Performance

Guest Author: Dave Monette; Dave creates musical instruments in Portland, Oregon, and assists clients in “tuning the real instrument” through Zero Balancing for musicians.* Zero Balancing for Musicians Tunes the Real Instrument! As a custom musical instrument maker, I have devoted the last 35 years to helping musicians makemore music with less effort. I find Zero Balancing is an ideal

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Zero Balancing to head of person.

Change Your Mind: Worry, Obsession and the Earth Element in Five Element Acupuncture, Part II

Thinking and Over-Thinking: the Earth Element in Five Element Acupuncture Information overload is the source of many maladies in the Information Age, discussed in Part I of this blog post on the Earth Element in Five Element acupuncture. Distracted thinking, worry and obsession are so widespread and habitual that they are almost invisible and appear to be a “normal” state

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overwhelmed man in portland

Information Overload: Worry, Obsession and the Earth Element in Five Element Acupuncture, Part I

Feed Your Mind: The Earth Element in Five Element Acupuncture The Earth Element in Five Element acupuncture governs nourishment and digestion in every aspect of body, mind and spirit. Earth is the Element of Late Summer, season of the harvest. The harvest includes all that we take in from the outside world. In Five Element acupuncture, nourishment includes more than

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Healing Connections: the Fire Element in Five Element Acupuncture

The Power of Love: the Fire Element in Five Element Acupuncture Love is at the essence of the Fire Element in Five Element acupuncture, and love connects. Humans cannot thrive in isolation. Maintaining a vibrant Fire Element is key to health in body, mind and spirit. The Fire Element, within us and around us, gives us the power to break

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Wood - Spring

Five Element Acupuncture: the Wood Element Within

Five Element Acupuncture and the Wood Element Within Us Five Element Acupuncture associates the Wood Element with Spring, and with the energy of Liver and Gall Bladder Officials in the human body, mind and spirit. What are Officials? What does that connection mean for our health and well-being? This blog post explores Five Element Acupuncture and the Wood Element within

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sunflower sprout on vivid green bokeh background
Wood - Spring

The Up Side of Anger: the Wood Element in Five Element Acupuncture

Angry about Anger: the Wood Element Peeved. Irritated. Annoyed. Impatient. Frustrated. Resentful. Indignant. Enraged. Aghast. Livid. Furious. Is anger always a “bad” emotion? Chinese Five Element acupuncture sees anger as the emotional aspect of the Wood Element, encompassing both constructive and destructive power. Anger is part of our nature as human beings, rooted in instinct. Like all instinctive emotions, it

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Image of a woman receiving Zero Balancing bodywork as treatment for motor vehicle accident trauma and injury.
Health Tips

Treating Motor Vehicle Accident Trauma & Injury with Acupuncture, Herbs & Bodywork

If you’ve ever been in an automobile accident, you know that aches and pains may manifest after the initial shock wears off and can persist for months or even years afterward. What can you do when you must return to your daily activities and responsibilities but are still plagued by chronic pain? Acupuncture, herbs, and bodywork may be the solution

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Image of a woman receiving acupuncture on her back as a treatment for chronic back pain.
Health Tips

Acupuncture & Non-Drug Therapies: First-Line Treatment for Chronic Back Pain

If you’ve suffered from back and neck aches or other types of chronic pain, you’ve likely tried pharmaceutical drugs to alleviate your symptoms. These short-term solutions and their side-effects can be just as frustrating as the condition causing your pain. Furthermore, their potential long-term effects, such as addiction, drug resistance, or liver damage, might actually be worse than the pain

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Image of Mt. Hood, symbolizing the Fire Element in Portland during the summer.
Fire - Summer

Summer, At Last: the Fire Element in Portland (Acupuncture)

Warmth and Sun: the Fire Element in Portland, Oh Joy! For a few fleeting weeks in July and August, the climate in Portland, Oregon, is transformed. Shifting from dreary, drizzly damp to sunny, dry warmth, Summer and the Fire Element in Portland has magically appeared! The shift to Summer and the Fire Element in Portland is often abrupt but typically

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  • The office of Inner Works Acupuncture will be closed from September 5 to September 14, 2020, for a week holiday.

    If you send us a message, please excuse a delay in response. We will respond after Sept. 14.

    Thank you for your patience.