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Portland Five Element Acupuncture & Wellness Blog

man indoors with fall allergies
Health Tips

Get Ahead of Autumn Allergies with Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Solutions

Though the adage “Spring forward, Fall back” will soon come into play, there is still time to “spring ahead” on preventing the unpleasant effects of autumn allergies. As the seasons shift, getting the jump on autumn allergies with prevention is much more effective than trying to treat them once they’ve already entrenched themselves in your sinuses. In this blog post, we’ll outline several effective

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Image of a woman sneezing outside, considering trying acupuncture for her allergies.
Health Tips

Struggling with Springtime Allergies in Portland? Acupuncture Could Help.

It’s that lovely time of year again when flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and seemingly everyone around you is sniffling, sneezing and wiping itchy eyes. Behold, springtime allergy season in Portland, Oregon! Seasonal allergies to pollen and other contaminants are a common complaint in the Pacific Northwest. Fortunately, proper wellness habits and acupuncture treatment can significantly reduce seasonal allergies,

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seasonal allergies
Health Tips

Twelve Tips for Seasonal Allergy Relief in Portland

Allergy Relief in Portland After months of dreary overcast, Portlanders joyfully welcome the arrival of warm, sunny weather and the opportunity to bask outdoors. Unfortunately, for some this weather brings a significant downside: runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion.  It’s time for allergy relief in Portland! Seasonal allergies to pollen and other contaminants are a common complaint in the Pacific

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  • The office of Inner Works Acupuncture will be closed from September 5 to September 14, 2020, for a week holiday.

    If you send us a message, please excuse a delay in response. We will respond after Sept. 14.

    Thank you for your patience.