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Classes & Workshops

Zero Balancing Classes & Events in Portland

Inner Works Acupuncture offers classes and workshops for the art and science of Zero Balancing.

Core Zero Balancing

Introduces the theory and hands-on framework of the art and science of Zero Balancing. The Core series is offered in Portland about every two years.

Instructors provide engaging, experiential presentations and demonstrations of Zero Balancing technique, and each student receives a detailed, illustrated course manual. In practice sessions, students experience performing Zero Balancing and learn how it feels to receive Zero Balancing. In Zero Balancing II students review material from ZB I, learn new fulcrums and expand their understanding of how and why Zero Balancing is so effective.

This 50-hour foundation program in Zero Balancing is taught in two 25-hour segments – called ZB I and ZB II – which are separated by a period of several months for hands-on practice and experience.

Upon completion of the 50-hour Core ZB program, participants will have an in-depth working knowledge of the Zero Balancing protocol. Core Zero Balancing is a prerequisite for advanced Zero Balancing courses.

The Core Zero Balancing Program (ZB I and ZB II) is required for Certification in Zero Balancing.

Zero Balancing I

This is the first course of the Core Zero Balancing curriculum and introduces the intellectual and practical framework of the art and science of Zero Balancing. Instructors provide a detailed study guide, clear presentations, and demonstrations of Zero Balancing. In practice sessions, students experience both how to perform Zero Balancing and how Zero Balancing feels to receive.

You Will Learn:

  • The basic Zero Balancing protocol
  • Theory & principles of ZB
  • To distinguish body energy & body structure through touch
  • The skill of using energy as a working tool
  • The energetic anatomy of the skeleton
  • The theory & application of fulcrums
  • How to give a ZB session

Course Length: 4 days

CE Hours: 25

Learn the Zero Balancing core protocol in this level I workshop. Open to health care practitioners and students.

For more information, call (503) 227-2127.

Zero Balancing II

This is the second half of the Core Zero Balancing program in which students review the material from ZB I while learning new fulcrums and expanding their understanding of how and why Zero Balancing is so effective.

You Will Learn:

  • A review of the basic ZB protocol with an emphasis on quality of touch, focus & positioning of the practitioner
  • To deepen your understanding of ZB theory, principles and techniques
  • Additional techniques to create an expanded protocol
  • New skills & coordination in handling energy & structure

Course Length: 4 days

CE Hours: 25

Prerequisite: ZB I.

For more information, call (503) 227-2127

Advanced Zero Balancing Classes & Certification

Advanced classes are open to students who have completed Core Zero Balancing. The complete certification program is offered in Portland. The four advanced classes listed below apply to the certification program and are offered in Portland on a rotating basis, typically one class per year.

Freely Moveable Joints: Beyond the Protocol

Freely Moveable Joints is an advanced level Zero Balancing course that expands the focus of Zero Balancing from the foundation and semi-foundation joints of the body to include the “freely moveable joints” of the body. Zero Balancing principles and techniques are taken beyond the Core Zero Balancing protocol into other arenas. The freely moveable joints present unique therapeutic challenges because of the variety of their anatomy and their great ranges of motion. By the end of the program you will have the skills to evaluate and balance freely moveable joints and the knowledge to devise your own fulcrums to meet the specific needs of a given situation.

In Freely Moveable Joints: Beyond the Protocol we will review basic ZB principles and highlight their application to a number of joints in light of their specific anatomy. The skills and education inherent in this course will broaden your Zero Balancing abilities and will improve your Zero Balancing sessions.

You Will Learn:

  • Highlights of Zero Balancing principles as they apply to FMJs
  • Upper extremity: shoulder girdle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers
  • Lower extremity: knee, ankle, metatarsals, toes
  • Accessing the sacro-iliac joint via the hip
  • Acetabular hip fulcrum
  • Temporomandibular joint fulcrum
  • Direct bone fulcrums and ‘bone bending’
  • Teachings designed to deepen your basic ZB skills and protocol use

Form and Fulcrums I

Form & Fulcrums I utilizes Chinese movement principles to find optimal positioning for the individual practitioner while doing Zero Balancing. Michael Oruch developed this class to help ZB students to do Zero Balancing sessions more easily and with much less effort by teaching proper body mechanics. Students will learn to identify when, where and why they are having difficulties and also how to address them. We will learn simple Qigong based ZB exercises to facilitate more body awareness and also thoroughly review each fulcrum of the protocol incorporating these concepts. We will also learn new and useful fulcrums while covering topics such as blue line, donkey, rhythm, positioning, transitions, movement, and, of course, engagement. The working paradigm here is: “We are only able to engage our clients to the degree in which we ourselves are engaged.” We often think more structure is needed but in fact it is more engagement. When we are engaged in proper alignment, utilizing bone energy, knowing the landmarks and the protocol, the ZB session is much easier, more effective and magical.

You Will Learn:

  • Qigong theory to help your ZB sessions
  • Partner exercises exploring energy/structure, blue line, engagement and more, to heighten sensitivity
  • Movement exercises to facilitate body awareness
  • To find an optimal body position for each protocol evaluation and fulcrum
  • To deconstruct and reconstruct each protocol fulcrum in clear stages
  • New and useful fulcrums
  • To hone the skill of high level attention with a quiet mind
  • The principles and skills for doing a 15 minute ZB

Alchemy of Touch

Alchemy of Touch expands basic Zero Balancing principles to work with amplified fields of vibration within the body and shows you how to create fulcrums that work with these amplified and therefore empowered fields. It provides clients with a direct experience of the healing state. In addition to presenting new material, Alchemy of Touch enables you to deepen foundation Zero Balancing skills through demonstrations and exchanges of

Zero Balancing. Alchemy of Touch is the second of three courses related to energy fields: Core Zero Balancing addresses the existing relationships between body energy fields and body structure; Alchemy of Touch introduces strategies to amplify the vibratory fields and to work with empowered fields; Geometry of Healing introduces working with the vibratory fields themselves, including the exploration of the space between vibrations and the information found therein.

You Will Learn:

  • Alchemical principles and their modern-day applications
  • The theory, purpose and therapeutic use of energy amplification
  • How to use bone as an energy conduit
  • How to amplify vibration, both locally and generally in the body
  • How to contain and establish boundaries of energy
  • In-depth exploration of framing (a session) while working with a client’s personal history
  • To monitor shifts of consciousness and expanded states
  • To recognize working signs of amplified fields in your clients

Geometry of Healing

Geometry of Healing (GOH) is an advanced level Zero Balancing course that teaches students how to work directly with the vibratory/energetic fields of the body. It defines ‘fields’ and then teaches how to access and evaluate vibratory fields, obtain information contained therein, and how to balance and clarify the designated field or material. The program shows how to work with slowed vibratory fields to access “the gap” (an experience of stepping beyond time, space, and information — a field of pure potential). Much of the theoretical material presented is based on quantum physics, holograms, field theory, and how they relate to the world of touch. GOH is the third of three Zero Balancing courses related to energy fields: Core Zero Balancing addresses the relationship between existing body energy fields and body structure; Alchemy of Touch applies amplification strategies to balance energy fields; GOH works with the fields themselves including the space between vibrations.

You Will Learn:

  • Theory of fields
  • Accessing, evaluating and navigating fields
  • Creation of ‘windows’ into the field
  • Entering and experiencing the ‘gap’ within the field
  • Compression of fields
  • Obtaining information from within the field
  • Self-referencing body signals as feedback for practitioner
  • Teachings designed to deepen your basic ZB skills and protocol use through exchanges of Zero Balancing sessions and demonstrations

Other Advanced Zero Balancing Classes

Zero Balancing instruction in Portland continues beyond certification. Advanced classes outside the certification program, taught by guest faculty, are offered periodically. These classes are open to anyone who has completed Core Zero Balancing.

Some of the classes recently offered include Spirit of the Organs, Verbal Fulcrums, Secrets of the Skull, Bridges to Wholeness, and Form and Fulcrums II.

Zero Balancing Certification in Portland, Oregon

The complete Zero Balancing certification program is offered in Portland, Oregon. Once you are nationally-certified by the Zero Balancing Health Association, you can practice Zero Balancing in Oregon as a hands-on therapy. In accordance with Oregon statute ORS 334-010-0027(2) concerning exempt practices, Zero Balancing is exempt from the requirement to obtain a massage license, provided that you practice within the scope of practice regulated by the governing body, ZBHA.


Events Events & Courses Course: Zero Balancing II / ZB-II September 19th — September 22nd, 2024 Dates September 19th to 22nd, 2024 Hours 9 AM

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  • The office of Inner Works Acupuncture will be closed from September 5 to September 14, 2020, for a week holiday.

    If you send us a message, please excuse a delay in response. We will respond after Sept. 14.

    Thank you for your patience.

Inner Works Acupuncture provides comprehensive Zero Balancing workshops and classes in Portland, Oregon to those looking to deepen their study and practice Zero Balancing. To learn more or register for an upcoming course, contact our office at (503) 227-2127.