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Portland Five Element Acupuncture & Wellness Blog

Image of two cups of herbal tea, used for avoiding colds and flu and serve as effective prevention and wellness helpers.
Health Tips

Avoiding Colds & Flu Naturally

Here are some practical ways to stay healthy and avoid colds and flu, during the winter season and throughout the year. These immune-boosting strategies will undoubtedly serve you well and help you recover faster if you do come down ill. Slow Down & Stay Warm The best way to set the stage for overall health is to listen to your

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Healing Grief Autumn
Metal - Autumn

Healing Grief: Autumn and the Metal Element in Five Element Acupuncture

Healing Grief:  Autumn and the Metal Element Healing grief is intimately connected with the Metal Element in Five Element acupuncture.  Metal energies manifest in  the season of Autumn. Autumn is both beautiful and challenging.  All of nature is in decline, bringing an exquisite sadness.  Cold, blustery weather sweeps in as the first storms blow through. Trees put on a final flush

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Image of a woman receiving Zero Balancing bodywork as treatment for motor vehicle accident trauma and injury.
Health Tips

Treating Motor Vehicle Accident Trauma & Injury with Acupuncture, Herbs & Bodywork

If you’ve ever been in an automobile accident, you know that aches and pains may manifest after the initial shock wears off and can persist for months or even years afterward. What can you do when you must return to your daily activities and responsibilities but are still plagued by chronic pain? Acupuncture, herbs, and bodywork may be the solution

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A smoky landscape, like that of the Columbia River Gorge this summer during the massive Eagle Creek fire.
Earth - Late Summer

Fire, Ash, Earth: Late Summer in Portland & the Eagle Creek Fire

Five Elements, Portland and the Eagle Creek Fire Late Summer in Portland (the Earth Element) has brought us face-to-face with the Five Element cycle in the rawest form. As the Eagle Creek fire in Columbia River Gorge continues to burn, we see at play the fundamental energy of the creation or “sheng” cycle of Five Element theory. The ancient Chinese saw the Wood

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Image of Mt. Hood, symbolizing the Fire Element in Portland during the summer.
Fire - Summer

Summer, At Last: the Fire Element in Portland (Acupuncture)

Warmth and Sun: the Fire Element in Portland, Oh Joy! For a few fleeting weeks in July and August, the climate in Portland, Oregon, is transformed. Shifting from dreary, drizzly damp to sunny, dry warmth, Summer and the Fire Element in Portland has magically appeared! The shift to Summer and the Fire Element in Portland is often abrupt but typically

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An image of a typical oyster mushroom found in the Portland area.
Food & Recipes

The Mighty Oyster Mushroom in Portland’s Forests: Culinary, Medicinal, Cleansing

Portland’s Local Chinese Herbal Medicinal Mushroom: the Oyster Mushroom There’s a mighty mushroom that Chinese herbal medicine has used from ancient times, growing right here in Portland. Most people associate Spring in Portland with blooming azaleas and rhododendrons. This fantastic forest native gets overlooked – the oyster mushroom! On your next forest hike, take a closer look at dead logs and

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  • The office of Inner Works Acupuncture will be closed from September 5 to September 14, 2020, for a week holiday.

    If you send us a message, please excuse a delay in response. We will respond after Sept. 14.

    Thank you for your patience.