Acupuncture for Depression
If you suffer from depression, you are probably familiar with the range of symptoms associated with this mood disorder. From feelings of hopelessness to sleep and appetite disruptions, depression can put you at risk for a range of physical ailments. It can impede your ability to function from day-to-day. While Western doctors are quick to treat depression with pharmaceutical drugs, many of these medications come with serious and lasting side effects. Acupuncture offers hope for those with depression, as it can relieve depressive symptoms, augment the effects of antidepressants, and help combat withdrawal symptoms from people weaning off antidepressants. If you suffer from depression and your medication is not working like it used to, or if you are hoping to taper off the medication but are afraid of the withdrawal symptoms, consider the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture for Anxiety
Anxiety is a part of our body’s acute stress response (often referred to our “fight-or-flight” response), and it is a natural emotion to experience when we feel threatened. Unfortunately, if we remain in a period of prolonged stress, we can develop chronic anxiety, which puts us at greater risk of developing complications. Many health problems – gastrointestinal disorders, chronic respiratory disorders, heart disease, and others – are linked to chronic stress, worry, and anxiety. Regular acupuncture sessions can promote changes in the neurotransmitters involved in emotional regulation and immune modulation. Five Element acupuncture aims to rebalance the body and mind, enhancing resilience to chronic stress.
Acupuncture for Emotional Health
While Western medicine recognizes the dangers of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues, doctors have historically overlooked the role of emotional stress in heart ailments. In contrast, Chinese medicine appreciates all components of the heart—physical, emotional, and spiritual. The heart is regarded as the ruler of emotional and spiritual life. Through a customized acupuncture treatment plan, you can find support and encouragement on every level. As body and mind become unblocked and flow more freely, you may experience a welcome shift in your emotional state and feel nurtured, held, and grounded once more.